Detecting the Impacts of Diabetes

Retina screening cameras help detect a serious condition that causes blindness in diabetes patients.

The Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center is known for its forward-thinking approach to care. It was an early adopter of telehealth, connecting virtually with patients before it became a necessity. In their continued mission of innovation, Hoag’s diabetes experts are using retina screening cameras with EyeArt® technology and transforming the method of detecting diabetic retinopathy (DR). This condition is the leading cause of blindness worldwide for working age adults. Hoag was one of the first in Orange County to adopt EyeArt® technology, the first FDA-cleared artificial intelligence technology that can detect this condition independent of an ophthalmologist. This new technology gives patients an FDA-approved interpretation in less than 60 seconds while they are still in the office, saving them a trip to the eye doctor. If a patient tests positive for diabetic retinopathy, they can be quickly referred to an ophthalmologist for treatment. 

For information about how to support diabetes care at Hoag, please contact Camille Schwan, director of development, at 949-764-7244 or


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